Why i Stopped Fascia Blasting & Fascia Stretching


Hi, my name is Keriann, a Human Biomechanics Consultant and Trainer, and I want to share my experience with fascial blasting and stretching.

I know it seems so relieving. If your fascia is tight and knotty, why not just blast it or stretch it out?

The truth is, I work at a clinic where many of the people coming in, with lasting fascial pain, have tried stretching and massage guns and blasting and guess what? They’re still in pain!

Here is why I stopped fascia blasting.

posture before and after

Your QUICK Introduction to Fascia and Common Treatments Such As Fascia Blasting & Stretching

Fascia, the connective tissue enveloping muscles, bones, and organs, plays a pivotal role in the body's overall function and movement. This complex network not only provides structural support but also contributes to our mobility and posture. Its health is crucial for pain-free movement and overall well-being. As awareness of fascia's significance has grown, so too have the methods aimed at addressing its dysfunctions. Among these, fascia blasting and fascia stretching have emerged as popular treatments. Promoted for their potential to alleviate pain, improve flexibility, and enhance physical appearance, these methods have garnered widespread attention. However, the journey towards understanding the true impact of these treatments reveals a more nuanced reality.

Fascia blasting involves the use of a tool to apply pressure and supposedly break up fascial adhesions, aiming to reduce cellulite, alleviate pain, and improve flexibility. Similarly, fascia stretching focuses on elongating the fascia, aiming to release tightness and improve the range of motion. While initially promising, a deeper exploration into the functional patterns methodology illuminates why these approaches might not offer the lasting relief or permanent solutions many seek. This blog delves into the limitations of fascia blasting and stretching from a biomechanical perspective, advocating for a more holistic approach to addressing fascial health and dysfunction.


The Appeal of Fascia Blasting and My Initial Experience

My journey into fascia blasting began with the allure of a seemingly straightforward solution to persistent issues of pain, restricted movement, and aesthetic concerns like cellulite. Fascinated by the promises of quick results and the simplicity of the method, I integrated fascia blasting into my routine, by first using a massage gun at my gym 6 years ago, hopeful for a transformation. The initial appeal was undeniably strong, buoyed by testimonials and the prospect of addressing fascial health directly through mechanical means.

My initial experiences with fascia blasting and stretching were marked by immediate, albeit temporary, enhancements. The process seemed to offer a sense of relief and appeared to improve flexibility (although, I was admittedly already hyper-mobile which I did not see as a problem at the time). Sessions of fascia blasting brought about a noticeable reduction in the feeling of tightness, and the act of stretching the fascia seemed to grant a momentary increase in the range of motion. These perceived benefits reinforced the routine, making fascia blasting and stretching a regular part of my self-care regimen.

The allure of these methods lay not only in their purported benefits but also in their direct approach to tackling fascial adhesions—supposedly the root cause of my discomfort and mobility issues. The simplicity of using a tool to 'blast' away the problems, complemented by stretching exercises aimed at the fascia, presented an attractive, hands-on solution to complex issues. This phase of initial positive experiences contributed significantly to my commitment to the practices, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of their long-term efficacy and impact on overall fascial health.


Understanding the Functional Patterns Approach

The Functional Patterns (FP) methodology represents a paradigm shift in approaching human biomechanical health, focusing on the body's holistic movement patterns rather than isolated interventions. At its core, FP emphasises the importance of training the body in a manner that mirrors real-life movement patterns, aiming to correct imbalances and inefficiencies that contribute to pain, restricted mobility, and postural issues. This approach starkly contrasts with more traditional methods, such as fascia blasting and stretching, which often target symptoms without addressing the underlying causes of dysfunction.

FP methodology is built on the understanding that the body operates as an integrated system, where each component influences and is influenced by others. Rather than isolating the fascia as a singular source of discomfort or limited mobility, FP seeks to identify and correct the movement patterns that lead to fascial tightness and restrictions in the first place. This comprehensive approach recognizes that lasting relief and improved biomechanical health cannot be achieved through superficial treatments alone but require a deep, systemic change in how the body moves and functions.

The difference in approaching biomechanical health through the lens of FP lies in its emphasis on sustainability and prevention. While fascia blasting may provide temporary relief by seemingly breaking up adhesions, it does little to prevent their recurrence or address why they formed. Similarly, fascia stretching might temporarily increase flexibility but fails to instill the functional strength and stability needed for long-term health - this can actually increase injury risk long-term. In contrast, FP trains the body to move efficiently and harmoniously, reducing the reliance on compensatory patterns that lead to fascial tightness and other issues.

By prioritising the reeducation of movement and fostering an environment where the body can operate optimally, the FP methodology offers a lasting alternative to temporary fixes. It challenges individuals to rethink their approach to biomechanical health, guiding them towards solutions that not only alleviate symptoms but fundamentally improve their quality of movement and life. Through this lens, we begin to see the limitations of fascia blasting and stretching as mere band-aids on deeper biomechanical issues, underscoring the need for a more thoughtful, integrated approach to fascial health and overall well-being.


The Limitations of Fascia Blasting and Stretching

While fascia blasting and stretching have gained popularity as methods for addressing fascial tightness and discomfort, their efficacy, particularly in the long term, is limited by a fundamental oversight: they are often applied in isolation, ignoring the body's inherent interconnectedness. This segmented approach provides short-term relief at best, failing to tackle the underlying biomechanical issues that contribute to fascial distress.


Short-term Relief vs. Long-term Health

Fascia blasting and stretching can offer immediate, though transient, alleviation of symptoms such as tightness and pain. These methods can momentarily improve flexibility and give the impression of enhanced mobility. However, these benefits are fleeting because they do not fundamentally retrain the body's movement patterns. The relief provided does not extend beyond the surface level, leaving the root causes of fascial tightness unaddressed. Without addressing these underlying issues, individuals may find themselves trapped in a cycle of temporary fixes, with the need for repeated interventions.


The Isolation Issue

The primary limitation of treating fascial issues with blasting and stretching lies in the misconception that the fascia can be effectively treated in isolation. The human body functions as a cohesive unit, with each muscle, joint, and piece of connective tissue playing a role in overall movement and posture. Fascial tightness is often a symptom of broader biomechanical imbalances or inefficiencies in how we move. For example, a lifestyle characterized by prolonged sitting or repetitive, unidimensional physical activities can lead to adaptive changes in the body's structure and function, contributing to fascial tension.

Fascia blasting and stretching, when performed as isolated interventions, do not consider the body's holistic nature. They do not modify the fundamental movement patterns that led to the fascial tension in the first place. Without a comprehensive approach that examines and corrects these patterns, the likelihood of achieving lasting fascial health and biomechanical balance is significantly diminished.


Addressing Root Causes with Functional Patterns

In contrast, the Functional Patterns methodology aims to rectify the root causes of fascial issues by focusing on the integrative nature of the human body. This approach involves a thorough assessment of individual movement patterns, identifying and correcting the imbalances that contribute to fascial tension. By re-educating the body to move in more biomechanically efficient ways, it is possible to alleviate the strain on the fascia, leading to sustainable improvements in mobility, posture, and overall health.

The limitations of fascia blasting and stretching underscore the necessity of a more holistic, integrative approach to fascial health. By moving beyond temporary fixes and addressing the fundamental biomechanical issues at play, individuals can achieve lasting relief from fascial tightness and enhance their quality of life.


Functional Patterns: Addressing the Root Cause

Understanding the critical role of identifying and correcting dysfunctional movement patterns is essential for achieving lasting relief from fascial tightness and discomfort. This foundational principle underpins the Functional Patterns methodology, which diverges significantly from temporary solutions like fascia blasting and stretching. By focusing on the source of biomechanical inefficiencies, Functional Patterns endeavors to provide enduring solutions that extend far beyond superficial treatments.


The Significance of Correcting Dysfunctional Movement Patterns

At the heart of persistent fascial issues lies a complex web of dysfunctional movement patterns that contribute to imbalance and strain within the body. These patterns, often developed over years of habitual movements or compensations for previous injuries, place undue stress on the fascia, leading to tightness and pain. Recognizing and addressing these dysfunctional patterns is crucial, as they are frequently the root cause of the discomfort and limited mobility many individuals experience.

Functional Patterns methodology emphasizes a comprehensive approach to biomechanical health, aiming to analyze and rectify the specific movement dysfunctions contributing to fascial distress. This process involves a detailed assessment of an individual's movement habits, posture, and overall biomechanical function. By pinpointing the precise areas of imbalance or inefficiency, it becomes possible to tailor interventions that target these underlying issues, promoting a return to natural, efficient movement.


Aiming for Lasting Solutions Through Functional Patterns

The goal of the Functional Patterns approach is to achieve lasting solutions that not only alleviate current symptoms but also prevent future occurrences of fascial tightness and related biomechanical issues. This is accomplished through a carefully structured regimen of exercises and corrective movements designed to retrain the body. By gradually adjusting and improving how an individual moves through their daily activities, the methodology fosters a more harmonious relationship between the muscles, joints, and fascia.

This emphasis on addressing the root cause of fascial and biomechanical problems sets Functional Patterns apart from other treatment modalities. Rather than offering a temporary fix, it seeks to instill permanent changes in the body's movement patterns. The result is a more balanced, pain-free state of biomechanical health that enhances overall quality of life. Through its focus on the fundamental principles of human movement, Functional Patterns offers a profound and effective solution for those seeking to overcome fascial tightness and achieve lasting well-being.


My Transition from Fascia Blasting to Functional Patterns

My transition from fascia blasting to embracing Functional Patterns marked a pivotal shift in my approach to dealing with fascial tightness and overall biomechanical health. Initially drawn to the quick and apparent benefits of fascia blasting, I experienced only temporary alleviation of discomfort, which prompted a deeper exploration into more sustainable solutions. This quest led me to Functional Patterns, a methodology that promised not just symptomatic relief but a comprehensive overhaul of my movement patterns.


The Transition Process

The transition was both enlightening and challenging. It required a shift in mindset from seeking immediate results to understanding the importance of patience and persistence in correcting deep-rooted movement dysfunctions. Fascia blasting, with its straightforward application, had offered a semblance of control over my fascial health, but it became clear that it was a surface-level intervention. Embracing Functional Patterns demanded a willingness to delve into the complexities of how my body moved as a whole, identifying imbalances and inefficiencies that contributed to my issues.


Observations and Results

The results of changing my approach were profound and far-reaching. The initial phases of adopting Functional Patterns focused on deconstructing my existing movement habits, which was both humbling and eye-opening. As I learned to observe and adjust my movements according to the principles of Functional Patterns, I began to notice a significant decrease in fascial tightness and discomfort. More importantly, these improvements were accompanied by an enhanced sense of functional mobility (not hyper-mobility) and strength, signalling a deeper level of biomechanical correction.

Unlike the fleeting relief provided by fascia blasting, the changes I observed from integrating Functional Patterns into my life were gradual yet lasting. It became evident that by addressing the root causes of my fascial issues, I was not only alleviating current discomfort but also equipping my body with the tools to prevent future imbalances. This holistic improvement in my biomechanical health extended beyond physical well-being, positively impacting my mental and emotional state as well.

The journey from fascia blasting to Functional Patterns has been transformative. It has reshaped my understanding of fascial health and biomechanical efficiency, offering a more nuanced perspective on how to achieve and maintain a balanced, pain-free state. The transition underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach to movement and posture, highlighting Functional Patterns as a viable path to lasting biomechanical wellness.




In the before photo on the left, you can see my tissue is barely holding me up. My shoulders were very droopy, my mid-section was compressed, I had a knee valgus/compression and a winged left scapular. On the right side, my shoulders are less droopy, my midsection is very decompressed, my knees are less compressed, I have no chronic pain and I feel much more connected after swapping passive techniques like fascial blasting and stretching for the integrated genius of Functional Patterns.

Louis Ellery

Just a man trying to make the world more functional and less painful.


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