
First principles matter when it comes training. As humans we evolved to do certain movements more in order to thrive. Training something like proprioception absent of how well we do these movements will only get us so far.

Human Biomechanics Specialist and Physiotherapist @lou.ellery breaks down why just doing any proprioception training isn’t enough. And why at @functionalpatterns we showcase results with all types of people including late stage Alzheimer’s.

Changing our relationship to gravity involves more than just playing sports or doing arbitrary exercises. Learn how to stand, walk, run and throw more efficiently and you’ll reap more benefits than you’d imagine.

Movement Assessment

Discussing Movement Assessments with HBS and Physiotherapists @lou.ellery and @tom_meade_ and why we focus on the @functionalpatterns big 4: Standing, Walking, Running, and Throwing.

SAID principle matters in training, and while the industry attempts to respect this principle, we think it can be taken farther.

There are aspects of movement an exercise like the squat, push-up, or deadlift lack when assessing movement.

A movement like walking or running hits many more which allows you to make the necessary adjustments to your training.

Transitioning From Physiotherapy

Louis Ellery has a candid conversation with Naudi about his transfer from conventional Physiotherapy to Functional Patterns. He discusses why he made the move and what he has learned throughout the transition.

Naudi and Louis discuss the ways that Functional Patterns Training is able to change people in a much more integrated and lasting manner.

They delve into the progression of an average client through a Functional Patterns Protocol and how you can get the best of your training.